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Working collaboratively with brands and agencies worldwide. Designing and developing websites and applications with a focus on interaction, motion and visual experience. new report said earlier this week that Apple is working on a brand new laptop. A trusted Apple insider with a proven track record confirmed that Apple is working on the larger MacBook Air.
However, Apple might not include it in the Air series when it launches it. As for the notebook’s release date, the 15-inch MacBook isn’t coming soon. It’ll get a late 2024 release at best, according to the new claims.

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Apple currently sells only one MacBook Air size. The laptop comes in a 13-inch version that matches the pre-2021 13-inch MacBook Pro size. Previously, Apple sold an 11-inch MacBook Air, but the company discontinued that model in 2017.
new report said earlier this week that Apple is working on a brand new laptop. Apple plans to release a 15-inch MacBook Air in 2024, a first for the Air series. A trusted Apple insider with a proven track record confirmed that Apple is working on the larger MacBook Air.
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Jackson Marks

Apple currently sells only one MacBook Air size.
A new report said earlier this week that Apple is working on a brand new laptop. Apple plans to release a 15-inch MacBook Air in 2024, a first for the Air series. A trusted Apple insider with a proven track record confirmed that Apple is working on the larger MacBook Air.
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